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Welcome To The Multiverse

PlanetQuest: The Sci-Fi Universe Where You Can Own Planets

Welcome to the Multiverse

PlanetQuest is a cinematic multiverse and free-to-play game that offers players the opportunity to own entire planets. With over 178,989 members, PlanetQuest is one of the most popular sci-fi universes in the world.

Imagine a universe where you can explore distant planets, build your own civilizations, and even own your own planet. That's the world of PlanetQuest, a sci-fi universe published by Galactic Entertainment and backed by investors such as...

PlanetQuest is more than just a game. It's a cinematic multiverse that tells the story of humanity's journey to the stars. Players can watch the PlanetQuest interactive timeline in video format, which explores NASA's search for habitable planets beyond the Solar System.

PlanetQuest is also a platform for innovation. NASA uses PlanetQuest to educate the public about the science and technology of space exploration. The game has even been used to help scientists discover new planets.

If you're a fan of sci-fi, then you need to check out PlanetQuest. It's a unique and immersive universe that offers something for everyone. Whether you want to explore distant planets, build your own civilizations, or just learn more about space exploration, PlanetQuest is the perfect place for you.
