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Flag Of The Soviet Union

The Red Banner: Symbol of the Soviet Union

The Genesis of a Revolutionary Flag

April 14, 1918: The Birth of the Red Banner

On April 14, 1918, a momentous decision was made by the newly formed Russian Socialist Federated Soviet Republic. They adopted a plain red flag with the initials or name of the state in the upper left corner as their national banner. This "Red Banner" marked the dawn of a new era, symbolized by the color red, representing the struggle of the common man during the Russian Revolution.

The Soviet Icon: 1923-1991

In 1923, the design of the flag was refined, and it became the official national flag of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). The plain red flag featured a gold hammer crossed with a gold sickle, representing the unity of workers and peasants, beneath a gold-bordered red star, symbolizing communism.

Symbolism and Interpretation

Officially, the red color of the flag signified the heroic struggle of the Soviet people, led by the Communist Party, towards the establishment of socialism. The hammer and sickle symbolized the industrial proletariat and the peasantry, while the red star represented the Red Army and the triumph of communism.

The placement of these elements in the upper canton of the flag underscored their prominence and importance in the Soviet ideology. The flag also served as an inspiration for the red flags adopted by other socialist and communist nations.
